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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Priceless Artwork or Priced less Artwork

I love bargain shopping; in fact I rarely buy anything otherwise.  

A few years back, my husband and I purchased our first home.  I was excited to decorate it, turning it from a house and into a home with each piece of art I purchased.  The problem was, I had limited funds, so I set out for bargains.  

For months, I scavenged from store to store searching for the perfect vases, pictures, throw pillows and knickknacks to place around the house.  Nothing made me happier than finding something I wanted at a good price.   It was even better when I would find something with a small imperfection and the store would cut the price even further!  

Those small imperfections made a huge impact on my wallet and when strategically placed, no one but me knew there were any flaws.  

Recently, I was reading in Jeremiah about the potter and the clay, how we are the clay and God, as the potter, molds us. This made me think about my bargain finds.  

Those pieces of art were sold to me at a lower price because of small imperfection that made them less valuable to the general population.  

To God, however, we are all valuable.  He doesn’t view our worth as less because we are flawed, in fact, He values us despite our flaws.  

He loves us so much that he was willing to pay the full price for our salvation.  He didn’t ask to pay less because we are flawed, instead, he paid full price.  That price was his son.  

Once we come into a relationship with him, he doesn’t strategically place us in this world to hide our imperfections.  Instead, as the great potter, he molds us.  None of us are so flawed that He casts us aside as unusable, unvalued or something to be ashamed of.  He knows all our imperfections, loves us anyway and uses us to further his kingdom like a proud owner of a priceless piece of art.  

I believe that if God had a mantle; he would place us there for everyone to see, a valued piece of art worth everything to him.  He treasures us that much!  

I think we sometimes forget how valuable we are to God…after all, it’s a difficult concept to grasp….someone paying full price for us, but He did just that. 

Have you placed your life in the hands of the potter?  How is He molding you?  

I love comments, please share.  

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