Since the beginning of 2013 you might feel beat up
after reading my posts. I don’t apologize
for that; I simply spoke what God laid on my heart. I do however pray you
are built up in Christ and not torn down.
Therefore, today I want to encourage you. But before I do, I have to start with a
Reality: The economy is getting worse. If you think it’s getting better you’re only deluding yourself, or listsening to media who's out of touch with reality.
Now on to some encouraging news:
Now on to some encouraging news:
My spouse got a raise this year. We were pretty excited.
Then we got the first check and discovered we now make LESS each month than what we made last year!
Seems mind boggling.
How can someone get a raise and yet make LESS money?
Before you start thinking we must be in the “rich” category
and therefore we are paying our “Fair Share”, let me tell you, we are Middle
Class. The very Middle Class that wasn’t supposed to be affected by these
taxes. The very Middle Class who wasn’t supposed to be affected by raising
health care costs.
We are that Middle
We live pay check to
pay check and on occasion manage to stuff some back for a rainy day.
We are thrifty and
we budget.
(I bet you’re wondering how this is supposed to be an encouraging
Well…when I saw our new monthly budget my first thought was “Praise God.”
God is my provider,
not the government.
God is my provider,
not a company.
God is my provider,
God is your
provider too.
Don’t let this economy, the healthcare crisis, the war on
everything, distress you.
We are more than conquerors through Christ (Romans 8:37).
Don’t you know, the very God who clothes the fields each day
clothes us (Matt 6:25-34)?
Remember, God warned us trials would happen. We shouldn’t be
dismayed when they do (Matt 24 and Mark 13).
Trust God. He has
good things planned for you (Jer 29:11).
You can be overwhelmed by the challenges of life or you can
see them as opportunities for God to work.(Click to tweet this)
The perspective is yours.
God doesn’t force himself on you.
To sum it up: The economy is going to keep on stinking.
The silver lining is how you chose to look at it…overwhelmed
or victorious in Christ!
Remember: God is your
God bless you all richly
with eternal treasures.