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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Attacks on Attack Watch

Obama’s 2012 campaign website Attackwatch.com  isn’t living up to his 2008 online campaign site titled “Fight the Smears”.  While many campaigns on both the right and the left utilize online resources to help combat miscommunication and smears, this new site is generating negative attention the president doesn’t need (have you seen the polls lately?).

From assaults on the black and red background, to its Attack Type drop box that gives the informer the choices of reporting anything from TV Interviews, to blogs, to rumors, it’s no wonder it is getting ridiculed by both parties. 

Some on the right are laughing, not taking this site serious and are even using it to slam the President.  Others, however, are taking a more somber tone and voice concerns that Obama is creating a private sector army of informers spying on their neighbors and reporting things as asinine as rumors, however some do not go to this extreme, but they are concerned at where this is leading…taking away our freedom of speech and thought.  

While some on the left share the rights views, others are happy to have a resource available to help them.  
support their candidate with facts (those on the right refute many of these “facts”).  They laugh at those on the right concerned their First Amendment Right is being infringed upon.  Some ridicule the GOP as not being as computer savvy or as being old fashioned and states those as the reasons underlying the concern about this site.     

What are your thoughts?  Is this an ominous site, a feeble effort by the Presidents base to support him or will it be useful to you?     

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