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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why Don't I Pray?

Last week, shortly after writing Monday's post about the promises of God when we humble ourselves and pray, God spoke this to me.  I thought about adding it to Monday's post, but didn't feel that was what God wanted.  He is talking to me about prayer...and he is talking to you about it as well.  

Prayer is powerful, prayer has promises attached, and the need for prayer was demonstrated to us by the life Jesus lead.  So why don't I pray more?

That being said, here is what spoke to me last week.  I pray it touches your heart and moves you forward.

Growing up I participated in a very active youth group at my church.  Looking back, I remember praying ALL the time.  We would pray before service, we would pray after service and all the other usual times.  

But we prayed others times as well.  Before going anywhere we would pray for a safe journey.  Before eating at a restaurant we would pray before satisfying our hunger.  Before doing an activity, like paint ball, we would pray for everyone’s safety.  Before going to an amusement park we would pray not only for safety, but also that we showed Christ’s light to those around.  Before doing a charity event we would pray we did it with the right attitude.  

Before everything we prayed… and after everything we thanked God.

So why don’t I still do that?

Why do I limit my prayers to the morning, meals and before bed (and times of crisis)?

“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.” Ephesians 6:18 NLT

Notice it says “all times” and “every occasion”.  


So going forward, I’m going to make an effort to pray before going to the store.  Not just for a close parking spot or for good bargains, but that God will use to me minister to those around me.

Before going on a date with my husband I’m going to pray God blesses our time with good conversation and that we fall more in love with every moment.  

Before going to church I’m going to pray God speaks directly to me.

Before even going to eat in a restaurant I’m going to pray I am a light to those watching.

Before everything, I’m going to make an effort to pray…and after everything I’m going to thank God.

Going forward I’m going to take this scripture to heart and pray!  

How about you?

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