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Monday, February 13, 2012

It's Not Hard to Catch Gods Attention

“The Lord is near to ALL to who call upon Him, To all who call up Him IN TRUTH.” Psalms 145:18 NKJV (emphasis added).

When you’re in a crowd and you hear your name being shouted, you tune the noise of the crowd out and search for the one calling your name…you give them you’re attention because you want to know who is shouting at you and what they want.

When you’re busy working and your loved one needs you…you give them you’re attention because you love them.

When you’re in a hurry but you’re friend calls…you give them you’re attention because they are your friend and you value them.  

Similarly, when we call out to Jesus… He gives us His attention.  When we speak His name, when we turn to Him in prayer, when we seek His council…He gives us his attention.

As His children, we are loved, we are valued friends and he wants to know why we are calling out His name. 
When we pray, we need to remember we have the ear of God.  It is not like leaving a voice message.  God ALWAYS answers when we call out to Him!  

We may not like His answer- “yes”, “no”, “wait”- but He is faithful to listen and to answer.  We don’t have to wonder if He got our message- we have assurance that He will be NEAR to all who call on Him.  

Can you imagine… have you really grasps the awesomeness that when we call out to God, He is listening? 
Take a moment to absorb the fact that the God of the Universe hears you when you pray.  You have the attention of GOD!  Wow, that is pretty awesome!

That should put some power behind your prayers.  You are valued and you are heard.  

So next time you go to God in prayer, remember He answers when you call.  He never screens His calls and He is never too busy to give you his attention!  

There is another part to this scripture, He is near to those call out to Him in truth.  What does that mean? 
To me it means that as His children He always hears us, always is near and always gives us His attention.  However, if we are not part of His flock, if we are saying a lip service prayer, a greedy prayer, a prayer to test Him, or using his name in vain, He does not have to answer.  He may still answer to prove He is God, but it is not guaranteed that He will give us his ear.

So to sum it up- If you are a child of God, take courage and be bold because God is giving you His attention.  If you don’t know Him…wouldn’t you like to?  Wouldn’t you like the assurance His children have that He hears and He cares?

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