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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

"The Leadership Mandate" BOOK REVIEW

Fellow blogger and friend, Dan Black, has released a new ebook- “The Leadership Mandate: 10 Essential Elements to Developing the Leader Within You”.

I don’t read many Leadership books, mainly because I don’t see myself as a “leader”. But after reading Dan’s book, I can see I’m already a leader and I didn’t even realize it!

Dan’s book is for the EVERYDAY person!

 As he says, we are already leaders. Even though we don’t always realize it, we lead in our homes, work places, in relationships, and even in our online activity – not to mention community involvement.

 Everything we do influences others to some degree. Being a leader isn’t a title. It’s who we are.
But in order to grow in leadership we must be intentional about ACTING like a leader and increasing our ability to influence others. 

Dan breaks down how to do this in 10 easy steps.

His book isn’t long and drawn out. You can sit down in one or two reading sessions and have it completed.

I encourage you to pick up a copy of his ebook on Amazon. 

You can also follow Dan on his blog, facebook, and twitter

Thanks, Dan, for allowing me to preview your work and share about it with others. Great job! 

Disclaimer- I did not have to provide a positive review of this book.

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