It is with deep regret that I'm writing this post.
Per doctors orders, I must take time away from the computer to allow my elbow (which is causing pain in my hand) to heal. I'm told 3 weeks, but I'm praying for quicker healing.
I'm so enjoying the new book our group is discussing each week, "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan.
There is so much I want to share with you, but it must wait.
I look forward to returning to the blogging world. I'll miss reading your wonderful posts and hearing your thoughts on mine.
You might see a few posts of mine go up in the next few weeks but it's because they were pre-written/scheduled. I won't be doing much blogging or emails in the next few weeks, but I am available if you need prayer or have questions.
I refer you to Endless Impact and Living Between the Lines for posts on "Forgotten God" that publish each Wed. On these blogs you'll find links to others posting on this book about the Holy Spirit.
Until I can share more, I'll leave you with this verse about the powerful Spirit alive in you if you're a Child of God:
"For God as not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Tim 1:7 NKJV
The Holy Spirit (that is IN you) is full of power, love, and will give you a sound mind when you WALK in that Spirit and not in your flesh.
Walking is an action, it's not passive.
I pray that you will pursue a relationship with the Spirit of God. Learn more about Him, walk with Him, listen to Him. The Body of Christ NEEDS the Spirit of the Living God to revive us.
Blessings to you all.
TC Avey