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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My Dad...You Really Should Meet Him!

I’ve been thinking a great deal about my dad lately.

I have to say, don’t know anyone like him.

So selfless, so compassionate, so patient.

And more, so much more. He’s:


But he’s more than even that. 

How do I begin to tell you?

Growing up he was never too busy for me.  He would listen as I’d prattle on and on about nonsense.

He was my biggest fan too, never missed a game or even a practice.

He was right beside me when I got my first heartbreak, held me tight, and then helped me see the lessons to be gleaned. 

When I was sick, he held my hand and did everything in his power to make it better.

He was right there anytime I needed him, rain or shine, nothing stood in his way when I called.
When I was older, things didn’t change.

He was still my dad.  Always a heartbeat away, ready to listen, love, forgive, admonish, and guide. 
Not once has he ever put me on the backburner.  I’m that important to him.

Funny thing is, so are you.

I’ve never known him to walk away from a chance to smile, to give, to chat, or to exchange life experiences.
He’s always been there for his friends…and even those who are not his friends.

I’ve witnessed him countless times feed the hungry, give to the poor and offer support to those down on their luck.

He takes pity on the homeless, offers second chances to criminals and gives rides to hitchhikers (pretty brave, uh?).

But it doesn’t stop there!

He’s also a man of his word.

He honors his commitments and (in my opinion he sometimes foolishly) believes others will honor theirs.

He lends to those in need, takes food to the hungry, visits the sick and loves the unlovable.  

So when I say he cares about you- I mean it.

I guess by all this, you might call my dad a saint.

But even that word doesn’t fully describe him.

He’s MORE than a saint.

He’s a Savior.

You might have guessed by now who my dad is.

He might be your dad too.

Is your dad named Jesus Christ? 

“Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God” John 1:12 NIV

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