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Monday, May 21, 2012

I'll Be Seeing You

Today I have the honor of Guest Posting at Voice of a Patriot. Please come find me and read my post on where you can find Truth- http://voiceofapatriot.com/?p=209 .  Truth seems evasive in today’s world, but really it’s not. God still has messengers spreading His warnings, judgments, love and guidance both inside and outside the church. In the meantime here is a short post I hope will touch your heart.  God bless and enjoy!

"I'll Be Seeing You"

The months leading to his departure where hard… for everyone.  

But I made sure everyone, including mom, said goodbye.

It was so hard for her to let him go, to say goodbye, but I made sure she did it. I knew she would regret it later if she didn’t. I knew too he was waiting…waiting on her to be okay before he left.

That I pushed so hard for everyone to tell him goodbye is ironic as I couldn’t manage to utter those words myself.

Instead I found clever ways to avoid using that absolute word, Goodbye. 

Goodbye, it seemed so final.

As if I would never see him again.

And while it would be a while, a LONG while, I knew I would see him.


In the meantime “I’ll be seeing you” seemed WAY more appropriate.

So before he closed his eyes I would whisper, “I’ll be seeing you”, just in case I would never see those warm hazel eyes re-open in this life.

Each time I was blessed with another moment, I would smile and tell him, “See, I told you I would be seeing you.”

He would smile sweetly and nod his head.

The cancer had taken any coherent speech, along with his ability to walk or to see.
But it had not taken his kind heart or his love for his family.

Now I knew he was simply waiting.

Waiting for God to finally call him home.

Everyone had said their goodbyes.

Everyone, but me.

I just couldn’t.

As a nurse I could see the impending signs of life leaving him, I knew it wouldn’t be long… and yet I still couldn’t utter that word.

It seemed so final.

So as he took his last few breaths, I bent down and whispered, “I’ll be seeing you.”

And he was gone.

And it was true.

I will be seeing him.


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