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Monday, December 10, 2012

“Dreams and Visions: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim world?” Book Review

“Dreams and Visions: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim world?” by Tom Doyle with Greg Webster was an enlightening book. 

To be honest, I had no clue what I’d learn and wasn’t sure I wanted to read it. But I’m glad I did. I gained new insight and feel in awe of those who risk so much to share the love of Christ.

During Jesus’ time on Earth, He walked among the outcasts of society. Today, if He were here, who would He walk among?

After reading this, I don’t think He would be walking in my neighborhood…He’d be reaching out to the lost…to those who need Him most.

Muslims, like all lost souls, need Christ.

Satan has deluded many of us regarding this. 

We let fear, pride, ignorance, hatred, and tolerance cause us to look the other way. Some of us appease our guilt by giving to missions and/or saying prayers. But we can do more. We are called to do more in the Great Commission.

Doyle helps dispel fear as he educates the reader on how Christ is moving among the Islamic community using dreams. He also enlightens readers on HOW to witness to someone of Muslim faith. It’s different than the witnessing many are used to. 

I encourage you to read this book. It’s inspiring and humbling. God is doing mighty things in the Middle East. People risk much to know Christ as Savior. I’ve never had to honestly ask myself if I’m willing to die for my belief in Jesus…but for many, this is reality. They are living and dying to follow Jesus.  

This book will challenge you to love Christ more authentically and to show that love to everyone you meet. 

Pick up a copy…it’s an easy but powerful read. 

This book was provided complementary by BookSneeze for honest review.

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