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Monday, January 20, 2014

Who Do You Rely On?


Chapter 10 of “The Fire of Delayed Answers” by Bob Sorge is like Kryptonite to a Type A personality (me).

Let me explain:

I’m a DOER, an ACHIEVER. I make plans and execute them. Setbacks don’t keep me down because I’ve prepared in advance. I have back-up plans FOR my back-up plans. 

What I’m saying is…I like CONTROL.

I like action.

Waiting is as foreign a concept to me as bathing is to a pig. 

What does this mean for my life?

It means I usually always accomplish what I set out to do…It also means a high level of energy is expended on things that don’t matter (like making back-up plans for my back-up plans), neglecting my health, putting off relaxation, being frustrated when others don’t move at my pace, and most importantly rushing ahead of God

I’m guilty of everything bad in this chapter.

I seek God’s counsel, but when He doesn’t answer fast enough, I move on to plan B.

Since I’m a problem solver, I assume God needs my help, so I push forward and ask God to bless my efforts instead of waiting on Him to move mountains. 

I “add sin to sin” by seeking advice from people other than God.

God says WAIT.

The world says to GO.

I usually choose to listen to the world.

That’s why 2013 was such a frustrating and painful year for me. 

It was a year of waiting upon God and leaning solely on Him. I was stripped of my pride, logic, confidence, and abilities. I was brought to the end of myself and my resources. I was humbled and it forced me to seek God in a new way. 

2014 has barely begun, and I am still WAITING.

But there’s something different.

Instead of being frustrated and broken by the wait, I have excitement bubbling. 

I feel as if I’m about to erupt with joy!

I’ve prayed BIG prayers and I know God is working, even if I haven’t been part of the decision making. 

Sorge says, “…as you prepare yourself to wait for God’s timing you know this: The greater the delay, the deeper the work.”

I already know my prayers won’t be answered how I’d like…they will be better!

Despite all this, it’s still tempting to go back to my old coping mechanisms

I struggle to control my emotions and to WAIT.

We’re all tempted in some way. This is one of mine.

But I’m tired of forfeiting God’s best because I want instant results.

They don’t realize that the delay of the provisions is part of God’s design for this particular season, and they actually short-circuit God’s purposes by turning to Egypt.” 

King Hezekiah turned to Egypt instead of God for protection. He used his “plan B” because he allowed fear to choke his faith when he saw the Assyrians coming. 

He forgot how awesome God is in the face of an attack. (1 John 4:4)

He allowed satan to use against him what God had intended for him. 

God wanted to bless Hezekiah but satan wanted Hezekiah to forfeit that blessing. 

Last week, I talked about how every decision we make either moves us closer to God or further away

God uses both good things and bad things to move us closer to His heart. But satan uses those same things to keep us from our Savior.

The choice of movement is up to you.

Do you trust yourself…or do you trust God?

Do you trust man…or do you trust God?

Will hard times move you closer to God…or further from His side?

Will good times move you closer to God…or further from His side?

Are you a Type A personality? If so, surrender doesn’t come easy, but it can come. God will help you…if you’ll let Him.

I have a long way to go, but I know God is faithful to complete what He began in me.

He’s faithful to complete it in you too…if you’ll let Him.

Join the Book club discussing, “The Fire of Delayed Answers” by Bob Sorge, by either grabbing a copy of the book and joining the weekly discussions and/or leaving a comment below. You can read more about this chapter from: Jason, Sarah, Dusty, Kari, Glynn,  and Joell. (possibly a few more people- sorry if I left you out. Please let me know so I can add you to the list.)

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