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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Young and Purposeful: Book Review

Have you ever wanted more in your Christian walk? 

Do you ever feel bored in your relationship with Christ?

Do you think everyone has a calling but you?

Are you still searching for your purpose? 

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you need to read this book.

This book blew me away! 

I had just finished chapter 4 when I felt God telling me to fast. 

It had been a few years since I’d fasted. Due to health reasons I can’t do a traditional fast- so instead I broke away from all social media for almost a week and spent that time connecting with God.

It was a great week! I didn’t want it to end.

God revealed powerful things to me about my walk with Him and the purpose He has planned for me.

While this book isn’t marketed to be used alongside a fast, the combination certainly blessed me beyond words. 

Moyo’s book really drove home important foundational scriptures about the goodness of God and how much God wants us to succeed!

I wish I could tell you everything this book taught me…but that would take multiple posts. (I don’t think there’s a single page not marked with highlights or notes.) 

I’ll simply say this, don’t let the title fool you. This book is for ALL age groups. In fact, I think had I read this book fifteen years ago I might not have appreciated the words of wisdom it contained. 

I’ve been a Christian for over half my life, but this book helped me realize who I am in Christ. It helped me understand I do have a God given purpose. It also showed me that the very same talents God wants to use for HIS glory, satan will distort in order to distract me from the purpose God has planned.

Example: academics have always come easy to me. I love to learn. God is showing me how to use this passion to help others in various ways. Satan spent years distorting that, making me think I had to BE somebody. That if I wasn’t “successful”, with multiple degrees, I wasn’t using my God given brains. Satan had me trapped in the “rat race” of society. 

While I left the “rat race” almost three years ago, I still struggled abiding in Christ and working FOR Him. Without realizing it, I was trying to CONTROL serving Christ. I was also limiting God’s blessings. 

I don’t have all the answers yet, but after reading this book I feel empowered to “wait upon the Lord”. God will reveal His will for me piece by piece. Today is my learning ground for tomorrow- Tweet Please

I don’t feel as if I’m doing this book review justice. It was a great book. I highly recommend it.

And while I’m at it, I highly recommend you disconnect from this world with a fast (either by abstaining from food or whatever else holds your attention more than God- though I’m not saying to quit your job!)

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