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Monday, February 25, 2013

Do You See Through the Eyes of Christ?

The Cost of Discipleship
Chapter 21- The Harvest
Matt 9:35-38

“It is hardly surprising that so few are granted to see things with the pitying eyes of Jesus, for only those who share the love of his heart have been given the eyes to see.” 

Many are familiar with the passage, “The harvest truly is plenteous but the laborers are few.”  

Bonhoeffer takes a different approach to this passage- One that was relevant in Jesus’ day, one that was relevant in Bonhoeffer’s pre-WWII day and one that is relevant today.


The religious leaders of Jesus’ time had failed the sheep.

The religious leaders of Bonhoeffer’s time had failed the sheep.

The religious leaders today are failing the sheep.

Not necessarily the sheep INSIDE the church (which there is failure there too) but the sheep that need to be brought into the fold. 

How many times do we pass by the beggar on the street and don’t them give a second thought? Or worse, feel superior because we have a job and think it is pure laziness that has brought them to begging? 

Jesus looks on these people with compassion. These are the sheep who need a shepherd.

How many times do we see the drug addict and think they are weak or have caused their own problems?

Jesus looks on these people with compassion. These are the sheep who need a shepherd.

How many times do we harshly criticize those who have had abortions and don’t see the pain that drove them to such a decision?

 Jesus looks on these people with compassion. These are the sheep who need a shepherd.

How many times do we see the homosexual but not the person?

Jesus looks on these people with compassion. These are the sheep who need a shepherd.

How many times do we quickly say we would never do “such and such”, therefore condemning those who do?

Jesus looks on these people with compassion. These are the sheep who need a shepherd.

During Jesus’ time, “There were no longer any shepherds in Israel. No one lead the flocks to fresh waters to quench their thirst, no on protected them form the wolf. They were harassed, wounded and distraught under the dire rod of the shepherds and lay prostrate upon the ground…What good was it when the scribes herded the people into the school, when the devotees of the law sternly condemned sinners without lifting a finger to help them? What use were all these orthodox preachers and expounders of the Word, when they were not filled with boundless pity and compassion for God’s maltreated and injured people?”

TODAY: What good are all the churches in the world if we do not see people through the loving eyes of Christ and love them with His heart?

The harvest is great…do you see it? 

Are you a laborer…or a consumer? 

The time is ripe…are you ready to be sent?

“Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he send for laborers into his harvest.” Mark 9:38 KJV

 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged." Matt 7:1 NIV

UPDATE: As of 2/26/13 at noon, I will  be unavailable to reply to comments till Monday. Sorry for the inconvenience. Your time and friendships are precious to me. In my absents Barb from Beyond the Sinners Prayer will be commenting for me today and tomorrow. Thanks for understanding. God bless.

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