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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

One More Day...

When my dad was diagnosed with stage four Brain Cancer I thought the center of my world had collapsed.  It wasn’t until that moment that I realized how much I relied upon him, how much he meant to me or how much I didn’t want to lose him.  I knew I loved him, but it wasn’t until that moment that true clarity came.  Every day I thanked God for allowing me to have one more day with him.  Even as the cancer spread and the days got worse I thanked God.  Each moment was precious, each moment I tried to capture in my mind so that I would never forget.  

Daily God showed me His mercy as He slowly took my father from me and my family.  As the day of his death drew near God enabled us all to come to terms with his passing, He gave us peace to accept what we did not want to and when we were finally able to endure the lose, He took my father home.  

Looking back I remember the pain, the anguish and how I longed for one more day with him, even a bad day would be better than no day, but that was not Gods plan.

Last night while lying in bed with my husband, I thanked God for giving us one more day together.  One more day…I love my husband so much, but sometimes the world gets too busy and I forget how fragile life can be and how precious each moment is.  So I thanked God for bringing my husband into my life, for granting us another day together and I prayed for more time with him, I prayed for one more day.  I thanked God for this reminder…that it shouldn’t have to come to extremes for me to be thankful for the small blessings of one more day with the ones I love.  Each day is a gift.  Each day should be treasure and treated as if it could be the last.   

None of us know when our time will come and I for one do not want to take any moment for granted.  God has blessed me with amazing family and friends and I am so thankful for them and for all the times we have together.  

I pray you too remember to thank God for this day of life…it is a gift and it is wonderful. 

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